Pytorch Integration


Before you can use the pytorch integration make sure you have the optional dependencies installed.

Query Strategies

For list of query strategies included in pytorch integration see Query Strategies.


A code example showing a pytorch multiclass classification is given in examples/examplecode/

"""Example of a multiclass active learning text classification with pytorch.

This examples requires gensim 3.8.x.
import torch
import numpy as np

from small_text.active_learner import PoolBasedActiveLearner
from small_text.exceptions import ActiveLearnerException
from small_text.initialization import random_initialization_stratified
from small_text.integrations.pytorch.classifiers.factories import KimCNNFactory
from small_text.integrations.pytorch.query_strategies import ExpectedGradientLength
from small_text.query_strategies import PoolExhaustedException, EmptyPoolException

from import (
from examplecode.shared import evaluate

    import gensim.downloader as api
except ImportError:
    raise ActiveLearnerException('This example requires the gensim library. '
                                 'Please install gensim 3.8.x to run this example.')

def main(num_iterations=10):
    device = 'cuda'

    # Prepare some data
    train, test = get_train_test()
    train, test = preprocess_data(train, test)
    num_classes = len(np.unique(train.y))

    # Active learning parameters
    classifier_kwargs = dict({'embedding_matrix': load_gensim_embedding(train.vocab),
                              'max_seq_len': 512,
                              'num_epochs': 4,
                              'device': device})

    clf_factory = KimCNNFactory('kimcnn', num_classes, classifier_kwargs)
    query_strategy = ExpectedGradientLength(num_classes, device=device)

    # Active learner
    active_learner = PoolBasedActiveLearner(clf_factory, query_strategy, train)
    indices_labeled = initialize_active_learner(active_learner, train.y)

        perform_active_learning(active_learner, train, indices_labeled, test, num_iterations)

    except PoolExhaustedException:
        print('Error! Not enough samples left to handle the query.')
    except EmptyPoolException:
        print('Error! No more samples left. (Unlabeled pool is empty)')

def perform_active_learning(active_learner, train, indices_labeled, test, num_iterations):
    # Perform 20 iterations of active learning...
    for i in range(num_iterations):
        # ...where each iteration consists of labelling 20 samples
        indices_queried = active_learner.query(num_samples=20, representation=train)

        # Simulate user interaction here. Replace this for real-world usage.
        y = train.y[indices_queried]

        # Return the labels for the current query to the active learner.

        indices_labeled = np.concatenate([indices_queried, indices_labeled])

        print('Iteration #{:d} ({} samples)'.format(i, len(indices_labeled)))
        evaluate(active_learner, train[indices_labeled], test)

def load_gensim_embedding(vocab, min_freq=1):
    pretrained_vectors = api.load('word2vec-google-news-300')

    vectors = [
        np.zeros(pretrained_vectors.vectors.shape[1]),  # <ukn>
        np.zeros(pretrained_vectors.vectors.shape[1])   # <pad>
    num_special_vectors = len(vectors)
    vectors += [
        if vocab.itos[i] in pretrained_vectors.vocab
        else np.zeros(pretrained_vectors.vectors.shape[1])
        for i in range(num_special_vectors, len(vocab))
    for i in range(num_special_vectors, len(vocab)):
        if vocab.itos[i] not in pretrained_vectors.vocab and vocab.freqs[vocab.itos[i]] >= min_freq:
            vectors[i] = np.random.uniform(-0.25, 0.25, pretrained_vectors.vectors.shape[1])

    return torch.as_tensor(np.stack(vectors))

def initialize_active_learner(active_learner, y_train):

    indices_initial = random_initialization_stratified(y_train, 20)
    active_learner.initialize_data(indices_initial, y_train[indices_initial])

    return indices_initial

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import argparse
    import logging

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='An example that shows active learning '
                                                 'for multi-class text classification.')
    parser.add_argument('--num_iterations', type=int, default=10,
                        help='number of active learning iterations')

    args = parser.parse_args()
